With the last day to legally use studded tires passing, I recently removed the snow tires from my car and mounted the all-weather street tires. By the beard of almighty Zeus is there a difference in ride quality. Unlike the tank-like Carmageddon rumbling that accompanies studded snow tires, the street tires deliver a whispery ride, conveying a sense that you’re traversing over a road made of fluffy kittens.
I’ve never traveled over kitten-paved roads before, but I’d imagine this is the closest I’ll ever achieve in having such an experience.
If you put those rallye mud flaps on your car, you'd save your paint from all the kitty splatters.
I always assumed that the road to hell was paved with bookbinding glue mixed with the physical manifestation of the prophetic teachings of Eun Choi.
I would also like to personally thank you for single-handedly ruining every road you drive on by leaving your studded tires on for as long as you did. Savage.
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