Friday, March 30, 2007

The Origins of Crap

First Annual Etymological Symposium on Scatological Terminology

Panel Members:

Thuy V, PhD.
Professor Emeritus of Canadian Cinema
Kingsport Ladies College

Matt D, MD.
Chancellor of Theoretical Bus Driving Dynamics
Harvard School of Driving

Dave V, BS
Bowel Tai-Chi Zen Master
Bob Jones Seminary

Transcript of Proceedings:

Thuy V
: Here's a French word for you

crapulerie (krap-ew-lair-ee) noun, feminine
1. villainy
2. a dishonest act

[from "crapule" (scoundrel) and borrowed from the latin "crapula"
(intoxication") -- synonyms include "la canaillerie" (a low trick)
and "la fripouillerie" (roguishness)]

Matt D
: Did our word "crap" come from this?

Dave V
: According to the history channel, no. 'Crap' originated in 1200 BC when a caveman stepped in a pile of T-Rex turds and grunted 'crap'.

Matt D
: T-Rexs were around in 1200 BC? I don't know Dave, that sounds a bit suspicious to me.

Dave V
: According to the caveman who stepped into the fresh load, there certainly were T-Rexs in 1200 BC. Seriously, why would someone who stepped into a knee-high mound of turds lie about this? C'mon Matt, you gotta see the forest from the trees.

Thuy V
: I can't believe matt believed that 1) someone was witness to 2) a caveman stepping on t-rex turds, 3) thought to record the reaction and 4) decided that out of it all, to question the part about the t-rex. hehehhe

Matt D
: Well the t-rex is at the root of it all! the t-rex was alive in 1200 BC, birthed the turd in the right spot that led to the caveman coining the word "crap". so we have the mighty t-rex to thank for all this crap.

Dave V
: Thuy, you previously said '...someone was witness to 2)' which can be interpreted as 'someone was witness to the bowel movement'. Given the context of our discussion on crap, were you intentionally trying to be clever or was it just a coincidence? Well played, good lady.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Small correction to my title... my degree is from the University of Evergreen Speedway, Figure 8 Demolition Derby Department. Not Harvard.